Privatized Real Estate - real estate assets owned by private clubs, communities, churches, families, universities, colleges and trusts.
Specialists in creative problem solving
Generalists in the real estate business
We know that your investment horizon may be generations or a result for next quarter. We can see how real estate performance impacts the goals of your organization may be more important than traditional short term financial asset returns.
We understand how the specialties work best together - how design can anticipate change yet be enduring, how market trends impact your financial structure.
Our team helps you pull it all together.
We work with your team to understand the goals and objectives of your organization. We know there may be many voices at the table so we work to find the commonality as it directs your real estate assets.
Market Opportunities
We can help in assessing your portfolio of real estate assets and exploring potential opportunities. We provide market and feasibility analysis, scenario comparison as well as risk assessments.
When needed, we expand our team by partnering with our network of first-in-class design & planning professionals, along with sector specialists. We work with you to build the team to take your plan to execution including, identifying the right developer and investment team.